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Communicating After Your Real Estate Continuing Education Class

Hannah Bray
September 8, 2020

As real estate agents, we know our jobs entail more than just a smile and wave. But, for some, soft skills don’t come as easily. As professionals with decades of experience, we're here to share our knowledge with you. After all, we want to help you advance in your career as much as possible. But what can our real estate continuing education school teach you? Find out with The Lancaster Institute.

Communication Is Key

Communication is at the center of real estate. And with the current climate of the world, that's more true than ever. Many buyers and sellers seem to have routine communication problems. It's your job to make sure that these communication issues are handled before they happen.

If you've been in this business for a while, and have noticed communication errors between you and your clients, then it should be pretty easy for you to figure out where the problem stems. Breakdown your communication process to find the issue. Here are some communication tips to keep in mind:

  • Keep directions clear and concise. You don’t want any room for error. 
  • Don’t be afraid to ask follow-up questions. You want to make sure everyone is on the same page. 
  • Ensure you keep all documents together with their applicable instructions, no matter if it’s physically or through email. 
  • When talking, keep your voice clear and consonants crisp. It can be awkward to repeat yourself, and information could get lost in the confusion.

For more real estate tips, be sure to follow our blogs. The Lancaster Institute is here for more than just your real estate continuing education courses. We’re here for your success.

More Than Just A Handshake

In the real estate world, communication is only part of the job. In fact, that's true for nearly any profession. Nonverbal communication makes up a lot more of our communication styles than we think. But by being aware of our nonverbals, we could make a potential client interaction work better in our favor.

What do we mean? Specifically, your body language. Your body says a lot more than you think it does. And remember: even though you're selling a piece of property, you're also selling yourself. Think back to the last time you bought a car. Was the salesman pushy? Did it feel like you were always being watched? Was it uncomfortable? We wouldn't want a car salesman breathing down our necks the whole time, so why would we want a real estate agent to do the same?

So think about your body language when you’re with a potential buyer. Begin with your facial expression. You want to seem interested, but not over-enthusiastic. If you look too eager, it can put people off. But most importantly, be sure to look people in the eye—if you don't make the right amount of eye contact, it looks like you're not paying attention.

Next, think about the way you're standing your distance from the potential buyer. Are you too close? Looming over someone could also give a bad impression. Give your buyer attention, but also learn when actions are too aggressive.

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Are you ready to begin your online education experience? Get the best education possible with The Lancaster Institute by enrolling in your online real estate courses today. 

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